Em contrução


  1. COSTA, L. P. ; OECHSLER, B. F. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. ; GALVAO, L. A. ; PINTO, J. C. . Copolymerization of Styrene and Cardanol from Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. Part I – Kinetic Modeling of Bulk Copolymerizations. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, v. 13, p. 1800065, 2019. doi
  2. SALAS ; BRANDÃO ; SOARES ; ROMAGNOLI . Data-Driven Estimation of Significant Kinetic Parameters Applied to the Synthesis of Polyolefins. PROCESSES, v. 7, p. 309, 2019. doi
  3. VALIM, I. C. ; RIBEIRO, F. Z. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T ; GRILLO, A. V. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Use of genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization in the estimation of kinetic parameters of green coconut biomass. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 74, p. 121-126, 2019. doi
  4. BULCAO, R. N. ; AVILLEZ, R. R. ; DE SOUZA, R. F. M. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. . Experimental Investigation and Kinetic Modeling of Potassium Alum Dodecahydrate Thermal Decomposition. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 74, p. 559-564, 2019. doi
  5. VASCONCELOS, MATEUS K. ; BRANDÃO, AMANDA L.T. ; DUTRA, LUCIANA S. ; NELE, MÁRCIO ; Pinto, José Carlos . Modeling of 1,3 Butadiene Solution Polymerizations Catalyzed by Neodymium Versatate. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, v. 59, p. 2290-2300, 2019. doi
  6. DA ROS, SIMONÍ ; BRAIDO, RAYANY STOCCO ; DE SOUZA E CASTRO, NATHANY LISBÔA ; BRANDÃO, AMANDA L.T. ; SCHWAAB, MARCIO ; Pinto, José Carlos . Modelling the chemical recycling of crosslinked poly (methyl methacrylate): kinetics of depolymerisation. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS, v. 144, p. 104706, 2019. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaap.2019.104706″> doi
  7. GONCALVES NETO, J. ; RIBEIRO, F. Z. ; GROSSI, C. D. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T ; SANTOS, B. F. . Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de comunicação Arduino-Node-Red para aplicação experimental de controle de nível.. In: COBISA, 2019, Campinas. COBISA: Indústria 4.0 e Futuro da Automação no Brasil, 2019. v. 1. doi
  8. SILVA, M. E. ; TOSTES, M. V. ; SAMARY, J. C. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. . Aspen HYSYS Simulation of the Production of Ethylene from Fossil Raw-Material. In: I Process System Engineering I (PSEBR-2019), 2019, Rio de Janeiro. I Process System Engineering Conference (PSEBR-2019). Rio de Janeiro, 2019. doi
  9. VALIM, I. C. ; COSTA, L. P. M. ; SANTOS, B. F. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. . Parameters estimation through stochastic methods of depolymerization kinetics of styrene and cardanol copolymer P(Sty-co-C). In: I Process System Engineering (PSE-BR2019), 2019, Rio de Janeiro. I Process System Engineering Conference. Rio de Janeiro, 2019. doi
  10. ROCHA, R. ; COLCHETE, A. C. ; NETTO, L. D. S. ; SILVA, M. I. P. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. . Design, optimization and economic evaluation for the production of higher alcohols from bioethanol. In: I Process System Engineering (PSE-BR2019), 2019, Rio de Janeiro. I Process System Engineering Conference. Rio de Janeiro, 2019. doi
  11. VALIM, I. C. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Application of Elman Neural Network in an Experimental Batch Reactor for Polystyrene Density Prediction. In: I Process System Engineering (PSE-BR2019), 2019, Rio de Janeiro. I Process System Engineering Conference. Rio de Janeiro, 2019. doi
  12. PRISCO, LUCIANA P. ; MARZANO, MAYARA ; PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; COSTA, ANTONIO M.L.M. ; DA COSTA NETO, CELIO A. ; SWEET, GREG ; ROMAO, CARL P. ; WHITE, MARY ANNE ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Relationship between sintering methods and physical properties of the low positive thermal expansion material Al W O. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, v. 16, p. 346-356, 2019. doi
  13. PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; YAMADA, KATIA ; GUAMÁN, MARCO V. ; JOHNSON, MICHEL B. ; WHITE, MARY ANNE ; PANDOLI, OMAR ; COSTA, ANTONIO M.L.M. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . The effect of titanate nanotube/Y2W3O12 hybrid fillers on mechanical and thermal properties of HDPE-based composites. Materials Today Communications, v. 18, p. 124-135, 2019. doi
  14. DOSEN, A ; MARINKOVIC, B A . Negative thermal expansion and cationic migration in zeolite Y used in FCC catalysts. BULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 42, p. 86, 2019. doi
  15. COSTA, ISABELLA MULLER ; BLAIR, VICTORIA L. ; PARAGUASSU, WALDECI ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Evaluating Al2-xGaxW3O12 system for thermal shock resistance. JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY, v. 277, p. 149-158, 2019. doi
  16. MARZANO, MAYARA ; PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Co-precipitation of low-agglomerated Y2W3O12 nanoparticles: The effects of aging time, calcination temperature and surfactant addition. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, p. 20189-20196, 2019. doi
  17. PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; YAMADA, KATIA ; GUAMÁN, MARCO V. ; JOHNSON, MICHEL B. ; WHITE, MARY ANNE ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Data supporting micromechanical models for the estimation of Young?s modulus and coefficient of thermal expansion of titanate nanotube/Y2W3O12/HDPE ternary composites. DATA IN BRIEF, v. 25, p. 104247, 2019. doi
  18. DA SILVA RIBEIRO, THIAGO ; GROSSI, CAROLINE DIAS ; MERMA, ANTONIO GUTIÉRREZ ; DOS SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA ; TOREM, MAURÍCIO LEONARDO . Removal of boron from mining wastewaters by electrocoagulation method: Modelling experimental data using artificial neural networks. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 131, p. 8-13, 2019. doi
  19. MERMA, ANTONIO GUTIÉRREZ ; OLIVERA, CARLOS ALBERTO CASTAÑEDA ; HACHA, RONALD ROJAS ; TOREM, MAURÍCIO LEONARDO ; SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA DOS . Optimization of hematite and quartz BIOFLOTATION by AN artificial neural network (ANN). Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. xx, p. xxxx-xxxx, 2019. doi
  25. Nogueira, Júlia do Nascimento Pereira ; Campos, Ana Luiza Bandeira de Mello de Albuquerque ; SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA DOS ; Coelho, Filipe Alves . MODELAGEM DA PRODUÇÃO DE BIOSSURFACTANTE A PARTIR DE RESÍDUOS AGROINDUSTRIAIS EM BIORREATOR EM BATELADA ATRAVÉS DA OTIMIZAÇÃO DE PARÂMETROS CINÉTICOS POR ALGORITMO GENÉTICO. Impactos das Tecnologias na Engenharia Química 3. 3ed.: Atena Editora, 2019, v. , p. 23-28. doi
  26. Valim, Isabelle Cunha ; Vieira, Anna Alves da Silva ; Brant, Vinnicius Ferraço ; Souza, Alex Queiroz de ; Martins, Ana Rosa Fonseca de Aguiar ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA DOS . UTILIZAÇÃO DE ALGORITMOS GENÉTICOS PARA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO PROCESSO DE DESLIGNIZAÇÃO DO BAGAÇO DA CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR COM PERÓXIDO DE HIDROGÊNIO. Impactos das Tecnologias na Engenharia Química 2. 2ed.: Antonella Carvalho de Oliveira, 2019, v. , p. 43-48. doi
  27. VALIM, I. C ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; GROSSI, C. D. ; PORTELA, J. ; BENEDITO, F. ; Santos, Brunno F. . Aplicação de uma técnica de processamento de informações para monitoramento de processos controlados, utilizando um reator encamisado como estudo de caso.. In: COBISA: Indústria 4.0 e Futuro da Automação no Brasil, 2019, Campinas. COBISA, 2019. v. 1.
  28. SOUZA, RODRIGO ; QUEIROZ, CARLOS ; BRANT, JOSÉ ; BROCCHI, EDUARDO . Pyrometallurgical processing of a low copper content concentrate based on a thermodynamic assessment. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 130, p. 156-164, 2019. doi
  29. DE ALVARENGA OLIVEIRA, VICTOR ; DOS SANTOS, CLÁUDIO GOUVÊA ; DE ALBUQUERQUE BROCCHI, EDUARDO . Assessing the Influence of NaCl on the Reduction of a Siliceous Laterite Nickel Ore Under Caron Process Conditions. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE, v. 50, p. 1309-1321, 2019. doi
  30. HORTA, MARLA ; AGUILAR, MARILZA ; MOURA, FRANCISCO ; CAMPOS, JOSÉ ; RAMOS, VITOR ; QUIZUNDA, ADILSON . Synthesis and characterization of green nanohydroxyapatite from hen eggshell by precipitation method. MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS, v. 14, p. 716-721, 2019. doi
  32. HORTA, M. K. S. ; Moura, F. J. ; Aguilar, M. S. ; CAMPOS, J. B. ; RAMOS, V. S. ; PERIPOLLI, S. B. ; NAVARRO, M. I. ; ARCANJO, B. S. ; ROSA, A. Q. G. . Transmission Electron Microscopy for the Characterization of Hydroxiapatite Nanostructured from Hem’s Eggshell. In: 27o Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27o Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  33. GONCALVES, E. C. B. M. ; Moura, F.J. ; TEIXEIRA, M. A. . Characterization of macrophyte Eichhornia crassipes: potentiality of wetlands pruning wastes in thermo-conversion processes. In: The 12th EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 2019, Florença, Itália. Anais do ECCE12. Florença, Itália: AIDIC, 2019. v. 1. p. 1074-1075. doi
  34. DUPEYRÓN, D. ; RIEUMONT, J. ; SOLORZANO, G. ; MARTINEZ, R. . Formation of carbon-based nanotubular structures by in situ electron irradiation. NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION B-BEAM INTERACTIONS WITH MATERIALS AND ATOMS, v. 451, p. 18-23, 2019. doi
  35. SANTOS, NO ; SPADOTTO, JC ; BURKE, MG ; SOLÓRZANO, IG ; CAMPOS, LC ; TEIXEIRA, LAC . Removal of Humic Acid from Natural Water by ZVI/H O Process. Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 25, p. 798-799, 2019. doi
  36. Suguihiro, N. M. ; solórzano, i. g. . Nano-scale Crystallographic Aspects of Discontinuous Precipitation and Coarsening Reactions in Cu-10% Co Alloy. Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 25, p. 1970-1971, 2019. doi
  37. SPADOTTO, J.C. ; BURKE, M.G. ; Solórzano, I.G. . Discontinuous Precipitation of α-Cr Phase in Alloy 33 (Cr-Fe-Ni-N). Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 25, p. 2650-2651, 2019. doi
  38. QUIJANO, M. ; MATEUS, V. ; SAINT’PIERRE, T. D. ; Bott, I.S. ; Gioda A. . Exploratory and comparative analysis of the morphology and chemical composition of PM2.5 from regions with different socioeconomic characteristics. MICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL, v. 147, p. 507-515, 2019. doi
  39. DEMONER, RAYANE Z.C. ; CASTRO, ALEXANDRE R.P. ; BARROS, ADRIANA L. ; QUINTELA, J.P. ; DE OLIVEIRA, JEFFERSON R. ; Bott, I.S. . Evaluation of Polymeric Coatings in CO2 Containing Environment. MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM (ONLINE), v. 965, p. 133-141, 2019. doi
  40. JORGE, J.C.F. ; Bott, I.S. ; SOUZA, L.F.G. ; MENDES, M.C. ; ARAÚJO, L.S. ; EVANS, G.M. . Mechanical and microstructural behavior of C-Mn steel weld deposits with varying titanium contents. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2019. doi
  41. Morales, E.V. ; POZO, J.A. ; OLAYA, L. ; KASSAB, E. ; PONCIANO, J.A.C. ; GHAVAMI, K. ; Bott, I.S. . Remarks on the evolution and performance of the different austenite morphologies at the simulated HAZs of a 2205 duplex stainless steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 8, p. 3936-3949, 2019. doi
  42. Cruz-Crespo A. ; MOREJON, J. A. P. ; MORALES, E. V. ; Bott, I.S. ; E.J. Kassab . Efecto de la energía de entrada en la soldadura de aceros dúplex 2205 y lean dúplex 2304 sobre la microestructura y la corrosión por pitting. In: 10th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering COMEC 2019, 2019, Cayo Santa María. COMEC 2019, 2019. v. unico. p. 1-20.
  43. POZO-MOREJON, J. A. ; SOUZA, L. F. G. ; Guerra, T. ; Bott, I.S. ; Cruz-Crespo A. ; PEREZ, O. R. . Ajuste mediante simulación por elementos finitos entre las variables calor de entrada y tiempo de enfriamiento de la ZAT para soldadura GMAW sobre acero dúplex 2205. In: 10th International Conference of Mechanical Engineering COMEC 2019, 2019, Cayos de Villa Clara. COMEC 2019, 2019. v. unico. p. 1-14.
  44. Bott, I. S.; Miranda, J. ; MOURA, L. C. ; FERNANDEZ, M. M. . Carbon Dioxide: Problems and Decisions II. 2019. (Editoração/Livro).
  45. CASTANHEIRA PEREIRA, AYRTON ALEF ; D?ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES . Geometric Parameters Influence on the Screw Withdrawal Strength of Coir Agglomerates. Journal of Natural Fibers, v. 16, p. 1-12, 2019. doi
  46. QUINAYA, D. C. P. ; D?ALMEIDA, J. R. M. . Possibility of Exploring and Applying Wastes from Some Ornamental Plants ( ) as Sources of Natural Cellulosic Fibers. Journal of Natural Fibers, v. 16, p. 1-9, 2019. doi
  48. LOPES, BRUNO J. ; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M. . Initial development and characterization of carbon fiber reinforced ABS for future Additive Manufacturing applications. MATERIALS TODAY: PROCEEDINGS, v. 8, p. 719-730, 2019. doi
  49. Pereira, A.A.C. ; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO M. . Development of a low-cost digital image correlation system to evaluate the behaviour of thermoplastics at large deformation. In: 14th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering, 2019, Bolonha, Itália. Proceedings of the ICheaP 14, 2019.
  50. SANTOS, NO ; SPADOTTO, JC ; BURKE, MG ; SOLÓRZANO, IG ; CAMPOS, LC ; TEIXEIRA, LAC . Removal of Humic Acid from Natural Water by ZVI/H 2 O 2 Process. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 25, p. 798-799, 2019. doi
  51. GARCÍA-LEIVA, BRUNO ; TEIXEIRA, LUIZ ALBERTO CESAR ; TOREM, MAURICIO LEONARDO . Degradation of xanthate in waters by hydrogen peroxide, fenton and simulated solar photo-fenton processes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 1, p. JMRTEC-934, 2019. doi
  53. SANTOS, D. S. ; TEIXEIRA, L. A. C. ; VOLSCHAN JR, I. . Eficiência Do Ácido Peracético Na Desinfecção De Efluentes Pluviais Contaminados Por Esgoto Doméstico. In: FITABES 2019, 2019, Natal. FITABES 2019. Rio de Janeiro: ABES, 2019.
  54. SERAFIM, N. B. V. ; CAVALCANTI, J. V. F. L. ; KIFFER, K. ; LIMA, V. F. ; TEIXEIRA, L. A. C. ; COSTA, L. H. P. . O EFEITO DO CATALISADOR NA DEGRADAÇÃO FOTOQUÍMICA DO CLONAZEPAM USANDO RADIAÇÃO UVC. In: X SBEAS – Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, 2019, Recife. Anais X SBEAS. Recife: UFPE, 2019.
  55. LIU, CHEN-YU ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Kumar, Satish . Dynamic wetting failure in curtain coating: Comparison of model predictions and experimental observations. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, v. 195, p. 74-82, 2019. doi
  56. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA ; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J. ; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B. ; PUJARI, SASWATI ; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F. ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. . Effect of rheological properties of shear thinning liquids on curtain stability. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 263, p. 69-76, 2019. doi
  57. BAZZI, M.S. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Effect of viscoelasticity on liquid sheet rupture. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 264, p. 107-116, 2019. doi
  58. AVENDAÑO, JORGE ; LIMA, NICOLLE ; QUEVEDO, ANTONIO ; Carvalho, Marcio . Effect of Surface Wettability on Immiscible Displacement in a Microfluidic Porous Media. Energies, v. 12, p. 664, 2019. doi
  59. HUANG, CHUNG-HSUAN ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Kumar, Satish . Electrostatic assist of liquid transfer between plates and cavities. Physical Review Fluids, v. 4, p. 044005, 2019. doi
  60. GALLASSI, MARIANA ; GONÇALVES, GABRIEL F.N. ; BOTTI, TÁLITA COFFLER ; MOURA, MARIA J.B. ; CARNEIRO, JOÃO N.E. ; CARVALHO, MÁRCIO S. . Numerical and experimental evaluation of droplet breakage of O/W emulsions in rotor-stator mixers. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, v. 204, p. 270-286, 2019. doi
  61. WU, JYUN-TING ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Kumar, Satish . Emptying of gravure cavities containing shear-thinning and shear-thickening liquids. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 268, p. 46-55, 2019. doi
  62. AMARANTE, J. E. V. ; PEREIRA, M. V. ; SOUZA, G. M. ; ALVES, M. F. P. ; SIMBA, B. G. ; SANTOS, C. . Roughness and its effects on flexural strength of dental yttria-stabilized zirconia ceramics. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING, v. 739, p. 149-157, 2019.
  63. FERREIRA, F. M. R. ; PEREIRA, M. V. . Indicação e Dimensionamento de Trincas Aplicando Técnicas Tradicionais e Avançadas de Ensaios não Destrutivos. In: COTEQ 2019, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Conferência sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos (COTEQ 2019). Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2019.
  64. TEIXEIRA, M. C. C. ; PEREIRA, M. V. . Além dos 10E7 Ciclos em Fadiga. In: COTEQ 2019, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Conferência sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos (COTEQ 2019). Rio de Janeiro: IBP.
  65. J.H. Flores ; SILVA, M.I.P. ; SANCHES, S. G. . Influence of Ti source on the Ti-HMS photocatalyst synthesis used in a water splitting reaction. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN, v. 109, p. 82-89, 2019. doi
  66. FREITAS, F. A. ; KEILS, D. ; LACHTER, E. R. ; MAIA, C. E. ; SILVA, M.I.P. ; NASCIMENTO, R. S. . Synthesis and evaluation of the potential of nonionic surfactants/mesoporous silica systems as nanocarriers for surfactant controlled release in enhanced oil recovery. FUEL, v. 241, p. 1184-1194, 2019. doi
  67. OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; TOREM, MAURICIO L. . Evaluation of hematite and quartz flotation kinetics using surfactant produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis as bioreagent. REM – International Engineering Journal, v. 72, p. 655-659, 2019.
  68. da Silva E L ; TOREM, Maurício Leonardo ; Silva F A . Technological characterization and utilization of recycled aggregate in the fine fraction in substitution to the fine natural aggregate for concrete production. Recycling and Sustainable Development, v. 12, p. 37-42, 2019.
  69. GARCÍA-LEIVA, BRUNO ; TEIXEIRA, Luiz Alberto Cesar ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . Degradation of xanthate in waters by hydrogen peroxide, fenton and simulated solar photo-fenton processes. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 934, p. 01-09, 2019. doi
  70. Rosado,T F ; Rojas H R ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez . UTILIZATION OF HYDROGEN BUBBLES IN ELECTROFLOTATION OF FINES OF IRON ORE TAILINGS USING A BIOSURFACTANT. In: XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019, 2019, Belgrado. Proceedings of The XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019. Bor, Sérvia: Grafomed Trade doo – University of Belgrade, 2019. v. Único. p. 239-245.
  71. MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; Towesend V. ; GROSSI, C. . BIOSORPTIVE FLOTATION OF NICKEL AND COBALT BY RHODOCOCCUS ERYTHROPOLIS. In: XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019, 2019, Belgrado. Proceedings of The XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019. Bor, Sérvia: Grafomed Trade doo – University of Belgrade, 2019. v. Único. p. 246-252.
  72. Pereira A R M ; Rojas H R ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . RECOVERY OF HEMATITE FROM IRON ORE TAILING USING A BIOSURFACTANT FROM THE RHODOCOCCUS OPACUS STRAIN AS A COLLECTOR. In: XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019, 2019, Belgrado. Proceedings of The XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019. Bor, Sérvia: Grafomed Trade doo – University of Belgrade, 2019. v. Único. p. 258-265.
  73. Camarate, M C ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo ; GUTIÉRREZ MERMA, ANTONIO ; Rojas H R . SELECTIVE BIOFLOCCULATION OF HEMATITE USING THE YEAST CANDIDA STELLATA. In: XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019, 2019, Belgrado. Proceedings of The XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019. Bor , Sérvia: Grafomed Trade doo – University of Belgrade, 2019. v. Único. p. 268-274.
  74. Nascimento LCS ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; Giese, E C ; BERTOLINO, Luiz Carlos . FUNDAMENTALS OF NEODYMIUM SORPTION IN PALYGORSKITE. In: XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019, 2019, Belgrado. Proceedings of The XIII INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING and RECYCLING CONFERENCE ? IMPRC 2019. Bor – Sérvia: Grafomed Trade doo – University of Belgrade, 2019. v. Único. p. 343-348.
  76. FULVIO, DANIELE ; BARATTA, G A ; SIVARAMAN, B ; MASON, N J ; DA SILVEIRA, E F ; DE BARROS, A L F ; PANDOLI, O ; STRAZZULLA, G ; PALUMBO, M E . Ion irradiation of N2O ices and NO2:N2O4 ice mixtures: first steps to understand the evolution of molecules with the N−O bond in space. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, v. 483, p. 381-391, 2019. doi
  77. DE SÁ, DRUVAL SANTOS ; DE ANDRADE BUSTAMANTE, RODRIGO ; RODRIGUES ROCHA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; DA SILVA, VERÔNICA DINIZ ; DA ROCHA RODRIGUES, ELTON JORGE ; DJENNE BUARQUE MÜLLER, CAMILLA ; GHAVAMI, KHOSROW ; Massi, Alessandro ; Ginoble Pandoli, Omar . Fabrication of Lignocellulose-Based Microreactors: Copper-Functionalized Bamboo for Continuous-Flow CuAAC Click Reactions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, v. 1, p. 350, 2019. doi
  78. ZAMAN, QUAID ; SOUZA, JEFFERSON ; Pandoli, Omar ; COSTA, KARLO Q. ; DMITRIEV, VICTOR ; FULVIO, DANIELE ; CREMONA, MARCO ; AUCELIO, RICARDO Q. ; FONTES, GISELLE ; DEL ROSSO, TOMMASO . Two-color surface plasmon resonance nanosizer for gold nanoparticles. OPTICS EXPRESS, v. 27, p. 3200-3216, 2019. doi
  79. COSTA, JEFFERSON ; ZAMAN, QUAID ; Q. DA COSTA, KARLO ; DMITRIEV, VICTOR ; Pandoli, Omar ; FONTES, GISELLE ; DEL ROSSO, TOMMASO . Limits of the Effective Medium Theory in Particle Amplified Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectroscopy Biosensors. SENSORS, v. 19, p. 584, 2019. doi
  80. Ginoble Pandoli, Omar; MARTINS, RAQUEL S. ; DE TONI, KAREN L. G. ; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI ; MAURÍCIO, MARCOS H. P. ; LIMA, RENAN M. C. ; PADILHA, NIKOLAS B. ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA ; AVILLEZ, ROBERTO R. ; RODRIGUES, ELTON J. R. ; GHAVAMI, KHOSROW . A regioselective coating onto microarray channels of bamboo with chitosan-based silver nanoparticles. JCT RESEARCH, v. 16, p. 1-13, 2019. doi
  81. PANDOLI, OMAR GINOBLE; Khosrow Ghavami ; D.Santos de Sá . processo de corte e tratamento do bambu natural, dispositivo lignocelulosico, processo de deposição catalitica e um microrreatore catalitico lignocelulosico. 2019, Brasil. Patente: Privilégio de Inovação. Número do registro: BR1020190032863, título: “processo de corte e tratamento do bambu natural, dispositivo lignocelulosico, processo de deposição catalitica e um microrreatore catalitico lignocelulosico” , Instituição de registro: INPI – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial. Depósito: 18/02/2019Instituição(ões) financiadora(s): PUC-RIO, Instituto Serrapilheira.
  82. SALES, ERIKA ; DA SILVA, CRISTIANE E. RIBEIRO ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA ; DOS SANTOS, RAMON ; TEIXEIRA PINTO, LUIZ A.L. ; DOS SANTOS, CLAUDIO T. ; DE OLIVEIRA, LUIS FERNANDO ; de Avillez, Roberto R. ; MONTEIRO, MAURICIO ; PACIORNIK, SIDNEI ; DOS ANJOS, MARCELINO . Study of composition and structure of demineralized bone using X-ray techniques. RADIATION PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, v. 2019, p. 1-6, 2019. doi
  83. Zonetti, Priscila C. ; BRIDI, VIVIAN L. ; GONZALEZ, GUILHERME G. ; MOREIRA, CARLA R. ; ALVES, ODIVALDO C. ; de Avillez, Roberto R. ; APPEL, LUCIA G. . Isobutene from ethanol: describing the synergy between In2O3 and m-ZrO2. ChemCatChem, v. 11, p. cctc.201900633, 2019. doi
  85. SOUZA, R. F. M.; QUEIRÓZ, C. A. R. ; CAMPOS, J. B. ; BROCCHI, E. A. . Pyrometallurgical processing of a low copper content concentrate based on a thermodynamic assessment. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 130, p. 156-164, 2019. doi
  86. ROGÉRIO NAVARRO, CORREIA DE SIQUEIRA; VASCONCELLOS, EDUARDO TEIXEIRA DE . Kinetic modeling of CuO chlorination with C2Cl4. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 8, p. 3589-3595, 2019. doi
  87. LEAL, CRISTIANE ; CARVALHO, THAÍS ; SIQUEIRA, ROGÉRIO ; PESSOA, FERNANDO . Synthesis and Characterization of Doped Cerium Nanocatalysts Samples Through Nitrate Solutions Thermal Decomposition. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND SCIENCE, v. 6, p. 101-105, 2019. doi
  88. CARUSO, C. L. ; CARVALHO, T. M. ; Navarro, R. C. S. . Síntese de catalisadores a base de cério e zircônio por decomposição térmica de nitratos. In: Davilson Eduardo Andrade. (Org.). Petróleo e outros combustíveis. 1ed.Belo Horizonte: Poisson, 2019, v. 1, p. 140-144.
  89. LORENZONI, R. ; Paciornik, S. ; SILVA, F.A. . Characterization by microcomputed tomography of class G oil well cement paste exposed to elevated temperatures. JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, v. 175, p. 896-904, 2019. doi
  90. IGLESIAS, JULIO CÉSAR ÁLVAREZ ; SANTOS, RICHARD BRYAN MAGALHAES ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Deep learning discrimination of quartz and resin in optical microscopy images of minerals. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 138, p. 79-85, 2019. doi
  91. DO NASCIMENTO, DÉBORA F. ; VIMIEIRO JUNIOR, JOSÉ R. ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. . Pore Scale Visualization of Drainage in 3D Porous Media by Confocal Microscopy. Scientific Reports, v. 9, p. 12333, 2019. doi
  92. PALOMBINI, FELIPE LUIS ; NOGUEIRA, FERNANDA MAYARA ; KINDLEIN, WILSON ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; MARIATH, JORGE ERNESTO DE ARAUJO ; DE OLIVEIRA, BRANCA FREITAS . Biomimetic systems and design in the 3D characterization of the complex vascular system of bamboo node based on X-ray microtomography and finite element analysis. Journal of Materials Research, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2019. doi
  93. De-Deus G. ; RODRIGUES, E. A. ; BELLADONNA, F. G. ; SIMÕES’CARVALHO, M. ; CAVALCANTE, D. M. ; OLIVEIRA, D. S. ; Souza, E. M. ; GIORGI, K. A. ; Versiani, M. A. ; LOPES, D. R. T. ; SILVA, E. J. N. L. ; Souza, Erick ; PACIORNIK, S. . Anatomic danger zone reconsidered: a micro- CT study on dentine thickness in mandibular molars. INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL, v. x, p. 12-15, 2019. doi
  94. M. Iturrondobeitia ; OKARIZ, A. ; JIMBERT, P. ; FERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ, R. ; IBARRETXE, J. ; PACIORNIK, S ; MAURICIO, M. H. P. . 2D and 3D multiscalar characterization of the microstructure of PLA/clay nanocomposites for the prediction of the elastic modulus. In: Annual International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering, 2019, Granada. Anals of the ICCE27, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  95. S. Evsevleev ; PACIORNIK, S ; C. Gollwitzer ; G. Bruno . Application of Deep learning to the segmentation of synchrotron X-ray tomography data of multiphase metal matrix composites. In: International Conference on Tomography of Materials & Structures, 2019, Cairns. Anals of the ICTMS2019, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  96. ALVAREZ, J.C. ; SANTOS, RICHARD BRYAN MAGALHAES ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Discrimination of Quartz and Resin using Convolutional Neural Networks in Optical Microscopy Images of Minerals. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, RIo de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  97. SANTOS, RICHARD BRYAN MAGALHAES ; AUGUSTO, K. S. ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; DOMINGUES, ALEI LEITE ALCÂNTARA . Development of an Image Analysis System for Automatic Characterization of Sintering Cold Agglomerated. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  98. LORENZONI, R. ; CUROSU, I. ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; SILVA, F. A. . Deep Learning Segmentation of Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites (SHCC) microCT Images. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  99. Souza, C. G. P. ; AUGUSTO, KAREN SOARES ; MAURÍCIO, MARCOS H. P. ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Optimization of the Three-dimensional Characterization of Iron Ore Pellets. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  100. Silva Junior, F. J. R. ; Velloso, Raquel ; Paciornik, Sidnei . In-Situ X-Ray MicroCT Imaging of The Microstructural Changes in Sandstones Submitted to Hydrostatic Pressures. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-1.
  101. Carlos, K. S. ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; MÉHEUST, Y. . Enhanced Oil Recovery Analysis via microCT. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  102. PACIORNIK, S; LORENZONI, R. ; SILVA, F.A. . 3D Characterization of Class G Cement Paste Submitted to Heat Treatments. In: 9th International Conference on INDUSTRIAL COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, 2019, Pádua. ICT 2019 Book of Abstracts. Padova: Unviersitá Degli Studi di Padova, 2019. p. 245-246.
  103. PACIORNIK, S. Quantitative analysis of CT data using Machine Learning. In: Visual Computing in Materials Sciences, 2019, Dagstuhl. Abstracts of Seminar 19151 – Visual Computing in Materials Sciences, 2019.
  104. S. Evsevleev ; G. Bruno ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Advanced Segmentation of Metal Matrix Composite microCT Images by Deep Learning Neural Networks. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  105. CALDAS, T. D. P. ; AUGUSTO, K. S. ; ALVAREZ, J.C. ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; DOMINGUES, A. L. A. . Analysis of Cracks and Coating in Iron Ore Pellets through Digital Image Processing. In: 27 Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do 27 CSBMM. Rio de Janeiro: SBMM, 2019. v. 1. p. 1-2.
  106. PEREIRA, A. F. ; PACIORNIK, S ; SANTOS, DILSON SILVA DOS ; JARDIM, P. M. . Characterization of TiO2 Nanoparticle?s Morphology and its Influence on the Hydrogen Sorption Kinetics of MgH2. MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2019. doi


  1. FARIAS, N ; BRANDÃO, A ; NELE, M ; PINTO, J. C . MODELAGEM DE POLIMERIZAÇÃO CATIÔNICA DO ISOBUTILENO. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. v. 1. p. 1077-1080. doi
  2. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; COSTA, L. P. M. ; OECHSLER, B. F. ; GALVÃO, L. A. ; PINTO, J. C. . MODELAGEM DA COPOLIMERIZAÇÃO DO ESTIRENO COM O CARDANOL. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. v. 1. p. 2349-2350. doi
  3. BRANDÃO, A. L. T; AZEVEDO, G. D ; PINTO, J. C . MODELAGEM CINÉTICA DA COPOLIMERIZAÇÃO EM SUSPENSÃO DO ACETATO DE VINILA/METACRILATO DE METILA. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. v. 1. p. 4819-4822. doi
  4. MIYOSHI, S. C ; SALLES, A ; NUNES, M ; LEMETTE, A. L ; SECCHI, A ; DE SOUZA JR., M . CONTROLE PREDITIVO NÃO LINEAR APLICADO À PRODUÇÃO DE ÓLEO E GÁS. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. v. 1. p. 4553-4556. doi
  5. VASCONCELOS, M ; BRANDÃO, A ; DUTRA, L ; NELE, M ; PINTO, J. C . MODELING OF HIGH-CIS 1,3-BUTADIENE POLYMERIZATIONS WITH NEODYMIUM VERSATATE. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Blucher, 2018. v. 1. p. 1137-1140. doi
  6. PRATES-VALERIO, P. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. ; CELAYETA, J. M. F. ; CREN, E. C. . Thermal Degradation of Functional Food: Mathematical Modeling and Kinetic Parameter Estimation Through a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm. In: 5th International ISEKI_Food Conference, 2018, Stuttgart. 5th International ISEKI_Food Conference. Vienna: ISEKI-Food Association, 2018. doi
  8. PIRES, L. ; OECHSLER, B. F. ; GALVAO, L. A. ; BRANDÃO, A. L. T. ; PINTO, J. C. . Copolymerization of Styrene and Cardanol. In: XVI Latin-American Polymer Symposium (SLAP 2018), 2018, Mar del Plata. ANALES DEL XVI SIMPOSIO LATINOAMERICANO DE POLÍMEROS Y XIV CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE POLÍMEROS. Mar del Plata: Comite Organizador SLAP2018, 2018. v. I. p. 379-379. doi
  9. PAIVA, T. ; VASCONCELOS, M. ; BRANDÃO, A ; DUTRA, L. ; NELE, M ; PINTO, J. C. . Modeling High-cis 1,3-Butadiene Polymerizations with Ziegler-Natta Catalyst. In: XVI Latin-American Polymer Symposium (SLAP 2018), 2018, Mar del Plata. ANALESDELXVISIMPOSIO LATINOAMERICANO DE POLÍMEROSYXIVCONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE POLÍMEROS. Mar del Plata: Comite Organizador SLAP2018, 2018. v. I. p. 273-273. doi
  10. HABRAN, MARGARITA ; KRAMBROCK, KLAUS ; MAIA DA COSTA, M. E. H. ; JR, EDISSON MORGADO ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . TiO anatase nanorods with non-equilibrium crystallographic {001} facets and their coatings exhibiting high photo-oxidation of NO gas. ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, v. 39, p. 231-239, 2018. doi
  11. PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; PRISCO, LUCIANA P. ; MARINKOVIC, B.A. ou MARINKOVIC, B. . Effects of low contents of A2M3O12 submicronic thermomiotic-like fillers on thermal expansion and mechanical properties of HDPE-based composites. POLYMER COMPOSITES, v. 39, p. E1821-E1833, 2018. doi
  12. DE SÁ, D.S. ; VASCONCELLOS, L.E. ; DE SOUZA, J.R. ; Marinkovic, B.A. ; DEL ROSSO, T. ; FULVIO, D. ; MAZA, D. ; MASSI, A. ; PANDOLI, O. . Intensification of photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes and phenol by scale-up and numbering-up of meso- and microfluidic TiO 2 reactors for wastewater treatment. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 364, p. 59-75, 2018. doi
  13. MANCIC, Lidija ; DJUKIC-VUKOVIC, ALEKSANDRA ; DINIC, IVANA ; NIKOLIC, MARKO G. ; RABASOVIC, MIHAILO D. ; KRMPOT, ALEKSANDAR J. ; COSTA, ANTONIO M. L. M. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. ; MOJOVIC, LJILJANA ; MILOSEVIC, Olivera . One-step synthesis of amino-functionalized up-converting NaYF :Yb,Er nanoparticles for cell imaging. RSC Advances, v. 8, p. 27429-27437, 2018. doi
  14. HABRAN, MARGARITA ; PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; MANCIC, Lidija ; PANDOLI, OMAR ; KRAMBROCK, KLAUS ; DA COSTA, MARCELO E. H. MAIA ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA ; COSTA, ANTONIO M.L.M. ; MORGADO, Edisson ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Visible light sensitive mesoporous nanohybrids of lepidocrocite-like ferrititanate coupled to a charge transfer complex: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic degradation of NO. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 365, p. 133-144, 2018. doi
  16. MONTEIRO, F. Z. R. ; VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; SIQUEIRA, R. N. C. ; MOURA, F. J. ; GRILLO, A. V. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Application of Artificial Neural Networks for Identification of Catalysts Used in Thermogravimetry Lignocellulosic Biomass. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 529-534, 2018. doi
  17. GROSSI, C. D. ; FILETI, A. M. F. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Neural Model to Describe Microbial Concentration in the Bioreactor for Biosurfactant Production Using Waste Substrate. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 481-486, 2018. doi
  18. VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; VIEIRA, A. ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; MARTINS, ANA ROSA F.A. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Response Surface Methodologies to Investigate the Pretreatment of Sugarcane Bagasse via Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 421-426, 2018. doi
  19. FIDALGO, JULIANA L.G. ; VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; NACHEZ, J. L. ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; Martins, A. R. F. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Neural Network Modeling for Prediction of Oxidized Lignin Content by Delignification of Sugarcane Bagasse Through Hydrogen Peroxide with RAMAN Spectroscopy Data. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 517-522, 2018. doi
  20. MERMA, A. G. ; OLIVARES, C. A. C. ; TOREM, M. L. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Comparison Study of Hematite Bioflotation by R. erythropolis and its Biosurfactant: Experiments and Neural Network Modeling.. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 439-444, 2018. doi
  21. CAMPOS, A. L. ; NOGUEIRA, J. ; COELHO, F. A. ; FILETI, A. M. F. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Genetic Algorithm Optimization of the Parameters Involved in Biosurfactant Production from Beet Peel as Substrate.. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 469-474, 2018. doi
  22. REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; VIEIRA, ANNA A.S. ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; Santos, Brunno F. . Optimization of sugarcane bagasse pretreatment using alkaline hydrogen peroxide through ANN and ANFIS modelling. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, v. 267, p. 634-641, 2018. doi
  23. Campos, Ana Luiza ; Nogueira, Júlia ; Coelho, Filipe A. ; Santos, Brunno F. . Parameter Estimation of Biosurfactant Production from Agro-industrial Waste Using Genetic Algorithm. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 1ed.: Elsevier, 2018, v. , p. 483-488. doi
  24. Ribeiro, Alexandre M. ; Grossi, Caroline D. ; Santos, Brunno F. ; Santos, Rejane B. ; Fileti, Ana M.F. . Leak Detection Modeling Of a Pipeline Using Echo State Neural Networks. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 1ed.: Elsevier, 2018, v. , p. 1231-1236. doi
  25. VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; Queiroz, Alex ; Brant, Vinnicius ; Neto, Antônio A.F. ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; Santos, Brunno F. . Use of Artificial Intelligence to Experimental Conditions Identification in the Process of Delignification of Sugarcane Bagasse from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 1ed.: Elsevier, 2018, v. , p. 1469-1474. doi
  26. CAMPOS, A. L. ; NOGUEIRA, J. ; COELHO, F. ; SANTOS, B. . MODELAGEM DA PRODUÇÃO DE BIOSSURFACTANTE A PARTIR DE RESÍDUOS AGROINDUSTRIAIS EM BIORREATOR EM BATELADA ATRAVÉS DA OTIMIZAÇÃO DE PARÂMETROS CINÉTICOS POR ALGORITMO GENÉTICO. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. p. 1982-1985. doi
  27. VALIM, I. C. ; VIEIRA, A. A. S. ; BRANT, V. ; QUEIROZ, A. ; MARTINS, A. R. F. A. ; Vilani, C. ; SANTOS, B. F. . UTILIZAÇÃO DE ALGORITMOS GENÉTICOS PARA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO PROCESSO DE DESLIGNIZAÇÃO DO BAGAÇO DA CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR COM PERÓXIDO DE HIDROGÊNIO. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. p. 2503-2506. doi
  28. VIEIRA, A. A. S ; VALIM, I. C ; BRANT, V ; QUEIROZ, A ; MARTINS, A. R. F. A ; VILANI, C ; SANTOS, B. F . ESTUDO ESTATÍSTICO DO TEOR DE LIGNINA OXIDADA PARA O BAGAÇO DA CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR APÓS O PRÉ- TRATAMENTO COM PERÓXIDO DE HIDROGÊNIO ALCALINO. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. p. 3769-3772. doi
  29. SILVA, A. M. M ; SANTOS, B. F . DESENVOLVIMENTO DE MODELOS COM REDES NEURAIS ARTIFICIAIS PARA PREDIÇÃO DO COMPORTAMENTO NÃO LINEAR DA DENSIDADE DO PROCESSO DE POLIMERIZAÇÃO. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2018. p. 4557-4560. doi
  30. FERREIRA, B. X ; MONTEIRO, F. Z. R ; SANTOS, B. F . Aplicação de controladores feedback em um circuito de moagem a seco e desenvolvimento de modelos preditivos com redes neurais. In: XXII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Química, 2018, São Paulo. Blucher Chemical Engineering Proceedings. São Paulo: Blucher, 2018. p. 4835-4838. doi
  31. SOUZA, RODRIGO ; NAVARRO, ROGÉRIO ; GRILLO, ALEXANDRE VARGAS ; BROCCHI, EDUARDO . Potassium alum thermal decomposition study under non-reductive and reductive conditions. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. Press, p. Corrected Proof, 2018. doi
  32. COSTA, A. M. ; Suguihiro, N. M. ; BROCCHI, E. A. ; RIZZO, F. C. . Synthesis of Fe2O3@titanate Nanostructures with Improved Optical Absorption. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 24, p. 1752-1753, 2018. doi
  33. RAMOS, M.I ; BROCCHI, E. A ; SOLORZANO, I.G . Microstructural Evolution of CuNi/Al2O3 Nanocomposites: from Nanoparticles to Cold Rolled and Annealed Ribbons.. Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 24, p. 2296-2297, 2018. doi
  34. ALBUQUERQUE BROCCHI, EDUARDO; CARDOSO, J. ; SANTOS, I. D. ; SOUZA, R. F. M. . Decomposição redutora do MgSO4 na presença de H2(g). In: XIV Jornadas Argentinas de Tratamiento de Minerales, 2018, Catamarca. XIV Jatrami – Catamarca 2018, 2018. p. 451-460.
  35. MARIN, E. P. ; SOLORZANO, G. ; BROCCHI, E. A. . Synthesis by Hydrogen Reduction and Chracterization of CuNiCo Alloy. In: 21st International Conference on Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology, 2018, Zurich. 21st International Conference on Advanced Materials & Nanotechnology, 2018.
  36. SANTOS, V. R. ; PESSOA, EZEQUIEL CAIRES PEREIRA ; BRACARENSE, A. Q. ; C JUNIOR, R. ; MARINHO, R. R. ; ASSUNCAO, F. C. R. . Development of Consumables and Wet Welding Procedures Aiming Class A Structural Repairs in Shallow Waters Floating Production Units. In: 2018 FABTECH, 2018, Atlanta. 2018 FABTECH, 2018.
  38. ASSUNCAO, F. C. R.; COSTA, A. M. L. M. . Transition metals doped titanate nanostructuresfor applications in photoinduced processes. 2018. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
  39. ASSUNCAO, F. C. R.. Trends in the Development of Materials. 2018. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso).
  40. ASSUNÇÃO, FERNANDO COSME RIZZO. Key-reader e Membro do Comitê Editorial TMS – Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2018.
  41. ASSUNÇÃO, FERNANDO COSME RIZZO. Membro do Conselho de Administração Parque Tecnológico São José dos Campos. 2018.
  42. ASSUNÇÃO, FERNANDO COSME RIZZO. Membro do Conselho Técnico Científico Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas (CBPF). 2018.
  43. ASSUNCAO, F. C. R.. Membro do Comitê Gestor do CT INOVAR-AUTO / MCTIC. 2018.
  44. MONTEIRO, F. Z. R. ; SIQUEIRA, R. N. C. ; Moura, F.J. ; GRILLO, A. V. . Study of the Thermal Decomposition of Green Coconut Fiber in the Presence of a Nano Structured Catalyst. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 65, p. 457-462, 2018. doi
  45. HORTA, M. K. S. ; AGUILAR, M. S. ; Moura, F.J. ; CAMPOS, J. B. ; RAMOS, V. S. . http://cbecimat.com.br/anais/PDF/Ia02-011.pdf. In: 23º CBECiMat – Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciência dos Materiais, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Anais do 23º CBECiMat, 2018. v. 1. p. 6-15.
  46. Campos, J. B. ; PERIPOLLI, S. B. ; RAMOS, V. S. ; AGUILAR, M. S. ; LELLO, B. C. ; ROSA, A. Q. G. ; Moura, F.J. . FEG-SEM and XRD Studies of Aging Time in the Hidroxiapatite Synthesis by the Sol-Gel Method using Biological Precursor.. In: International Microscopy Congress 19, 2018, Sydney. Anais do International Microscopy Congress 19 – IMC19. Sydney: IMC19, 2018.
  47. HORTA, M. K. S. ; Aguilar, M. S. ; Moura, F.J. ; CAMPOS, J. B. ; RAMOS, V. S. ; QUIZUNDA, A. C. . Synthesis and characterization of green Nanohydroxyapatite (nHAP) from hen eggshell by the preciptation method.. In: XVII Brazil MRS Meeting, 2018, Natal. Anais do XVII SBPMat, 2018., 2018.
  48. SPADOTTO, JULIO CESAR ; DILLE, JEAN ; WATANABE, MASASHI ; SOLÓRZANO, I. GUILLERMO . Grain boundary precipitation phenomena in an alloy 33 (Cr-Fe-Ni-N) subjected to direct-aging treatments (700-°C and 900-°C). MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, v. 140, p. 113-121, 2018. doi
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  82. LACOMBE, M. ; PATRIARCA, P. ; BONFATTI, JOSE M. ; TEIXEIRA, L. A. C. . USO DE PROCESSO OXIDATIVO AVANÇADO PARA O TRATAMENTO DE EFLUENTE DE INDÚSTRIA DE CELULOSE. In: 51 Congresso e Exposição Internacional de Celulose e Papel, 2018, São Paulo. 51 Pulp and Paper International Congress & Exhibition. São Paulo: ABTCP, 2018. v. 1. p. 1-10.
  83. Garcia-Leiva, B. ; TEIXEIRA, LUIZ ALBERTO CESAR ; TOREM, M. L. ; SARMIENTO, C.M. . Degradation of Xanthate in Effluents by Oxidation with Hydrogen Peroxide. In: Water Congress 2018, 2018, Santiago. Proceedings Water Congress 2018. Santiago: Gecamin, 2018.
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  85. TEIXEIRA, L.A.C. Na SAEQ 2018 da UFPR – Novas tendências no tratamento de água para consumo humano. 2018. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra).
  86. TEIXEIRA, L.A.C. Na 35 Semana de Química da USP – Tratamento Oxidativo de Águas e Efluentes Industriais. 2018. (Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra).
  87. GONÇALVES, R. A. ; PEREIRA, M. V. ; DARWISH, F. A. . Multiaxial high cycle fatigue criteria applied to motor crankshaft. Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 13, p. 1256-1260, 2018.
  88. GONÇALVES, R. A. ; PEREIRA, M. V. ; DARWISH, F. A. . Multiaxial High Cycle Fatigue Criteria Applied to Motor Crankshafts. In: Loading and Environmental Effects on Structural Integrity (ECF-22), 2018, Belgrado. 22nd European Conference on Fracture, 2018. v. 1.
  89. GONÇALVES, R. A. ; PEREIRA, M. V. ; DARWISH, F. A. . On the Applicability of Multiaxial High Cycle Fatigue Criteria to Metallic Materials. In: FATIGUE 2018, 2018, Poitiers-Futuroscope. 12nd International Fatigue Congress, 2018. v. 1.
  90. TEIXEIRA, M. C. ; COSTA, P. R. ; PEREIRA, M. V. ; FREITAS, M. ; REIS, L. . Very High Cycle Fatigue Behavior in Crankshaft Steel. In: New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture, 2018, Lisboa. NT2F18. Lisboa: Instituto Superior Técnico – IST, 2018. v. 1.
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  93. SANCHES, S.G. ; FLORES, J. HUERTAS ; DA SILVA, M.I. Pais . Cu/ZnO and Cu/ZnO/ZrO 2 catalysts used for methanol steam reforming. Molecular Catalysis, v. 454, p. 55-62, 2018. doi
  94. TORRES, A. L. T. ; SOUZA, L. M. S. ; SILVA, F. A. ; Pais da Silva, M.I. . Concrete degradation mechanisms by sulfuric acid attack. MAGAZINE OF CONCRETE RESEARCH, v. 71, p. 349-361, 2018. doi
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  96. HACHA, RONALD ROJAS ; LEONARDOTOREM, MAURÍCIO ; GUTIÉRREZ MERMA, ANTONIO ; DA SILVA COELHO, VANESSA FIGUEIREDO . Electroflotation of fine hematite particles with Rhodococcus opacus as a biocollector in a modified Partridge-Smith cell. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 126, p. 105-115, 2018. doi
  97. HACHA, RONALD ROJAS ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; COUTO, HUDSON JEAN BIANQUINI ; TOREM, Maurício Leonardo . Measurement and analysis of H2 and O2 bubbles diameter produced by electroflotation processes in a modified Partridge-Smith cell. POWDER TECHNOLOGY, v. 342, p. 308-320, 2018. doi
  98. PRATIMA MESHRAM ; GHOSH, ANIRBAN ; RAMAMURTHY, YANAMANDRA ; PANDEY, BANSHI DHAR ; ABHILASH ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . Removal of Hexavalent Chromium from Mine Effluents by Ion Exchange Resins-Comparative Study of Amberlite IRA 400 and IRA 900. Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals, v. 59, p. 533-542, 2018. doi
  99. OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . Hematite and quartz flotation using biosurfactants.. In: III International Congress on Minerals Flotation, 2018, Lima. Proccedings of the III International Congress on Minerals Flotation. Lima: International Metallurgical Consultants (InterMet), 2018. v. Único. p. 1-6.
  100. MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; dos Santos, B F . Optimization of hematite and quartz bioflotation by an artificial neural network. In: Biohydrometallurgy 2018, 2018, Windhoek – Namíbia. Proceedings – Biohydrometallurgy 2018. Falmouth: MEI, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-14.
  101. PUELLES, J. G. S. ; OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . Flotation of hematite using a crude biosurfactant and mathematical modelling of its electrophoretic behaviour. In: Biohydrometallurgy 2018, 2018, Windhoek – Namíbia. Proceedings – Biohydrometallurgy 2018. Falmouth: MEI, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-14.
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  103. MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; TOREM, M. L. ; dos Santos, B F . Comparison Study of Hematite Bioflotation by R. erythropolis and its Biosurfactant: Experiments and Neural Network Modeling. In: ICONBM 2018 – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMASS, 2018, Bolonha. Proc. of INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMASS – ICONBM 2018. Milão: The Italian Association of Chemical Engineering, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-6.
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  105. Pereira A ; Rojas H R ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; Cortes M ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez . Iron Ore Direct Flotation Using a Crude Biosurfactant Extracted from a Rhodococcus Opacus Strain. In: 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018, 2018, Santiago. Proceedings of The 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018. Santiago: Gecamin, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-6.
  106. Rojas H R ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Cortes M ; Pereira A ; Lamon A . Froth Flotation of Low Grade Iron Ore Using Fatty Acid. In: The 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018, 2018, Santiago. Proceedings of The 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018. Santiago: Gecamin, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-6.
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  108. OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . Hematite and Quartz Bioflotation: Adsorption and Selective Study. In: The 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018, 2018, Santiago. Proceedings of The 14th International Mineral Processing Conference / 5th International Seminar on Geometallurgy – Procemin 2018. Santiago: Gecamin, 2018. v. Único. p. 1-6.
  109. Avillez, Roberto Ribeiro de; ABRANTES, FERNANDA GONÇALVES ; LETICHEVSKY, SONIA . On the Intrinsic Limits of the Convolution Method to Obtain the Crystallite Size Distribution from Nanopowders Diffraction. MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 21, p. e20170980, 2018. doi
  110. CATUNDA, CARLOS EDUARDO GUEDES ; DE AVILLEZ, ROBERTO RIBEIRO ; DE PINHO MAURICIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE . Quantitative X-ray microtomography technique to evaluate high-temperature transient diffusion of Iron diffusants in high alumina-silicate porous refractory media. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 10, p. 10.003, 2018. doi
  111. SALES, E. ; SILVA, C.E.R. DA ; LETICHEVSKY, S. ; SANTOS, R. DOS ; LEITAO, R. ; SANTOS, C.T. DOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, L.F. ; DE AVILLEZ, R. ; MONTEIRO, M. ; COSTA-FELIX, R. ; PACIORNIK, S. ; ANJOS, M. DOS . Chemical induced demineralization study in cortical bone. Journal of Instrumentation, v. 13, p. C05010-C05010, 2018. doi
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  113. AUGUSTO, K. S. ; PACIORNIK, S. . Porosity Characterization of Iron Ore Pellets by X-Ray Microtomography. MATERIALS RESEARCH, p. 1-12, 2018. doi
  114. CASTELLANOS, R. M. ; Iglesias, Julio Cesar Alvarez ; Gomes, Otávio da Fonseca Martins ; AUGUSTO, KAREN SOARES ; PACIORNIK, S. . Characterization of iron ore pellets by multimodal microscopy and image analysis. REM – International Engineering Journal, v. 71, p. 209-215, 2018. doi
  115. CIDADE, MARIANA KUHL ; PALOMBINI, FELIPE LUIS ; DUARTE, LAUREN DA CUNHA ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Investigation of the thermal microstructural effects of CO 2 laser engraving on agate via X-ray microtomography. OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY, v. 104, p. 56-64, 2018. doi
  116. IGLESIAS, JULIO CÉSAR ÁLVAREZ ; AUGUSTO, KAREN SOARES ; DA FONSECA MARTINS GOMES, OTÁVIO ; DOMINGUES, ALEI LEITE ALCÂNTARA ; Vieira, Maria Beatriz ; CASAGRANDE, CATIA ; Paciornik, Sidnei . Automatic characterization of iron ore by digital microscopy and image analysis. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 1, p. 1-5, 2018. doi
  117. PACIORNIK, S.; SCHEFFER, K. ; CARVALHO, M. S. ; MÉHEUST, Y. . Quantifying Enhanced Oil Recovery in Synthetic Media with MicroCT. In: 3DMS 2018 – The 4th International Congress on 3D Materials Science, 2018, Helsingor. Final Program. Pittsburgh: TMS, 2018. v. 1. p. 22-22.
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  120. FAROOQ, SAJID ; NEVES, WENDELL W. ; Pandoli, Omar ; DEL ROSSO, TOMMASO ; DE LIMA, LEONARDO M. ; DUTRA, ROSA F. ; DE ARAUJO, RENATO E. . Engineering a plasmonic sensing platform for Candida albicans antigen identification. Journal of Nanophotonics, v. 12, p. 1, 2018. doi
  121. BRANDOLESE, ARIANNA ; RAGNO, DANIELE ; DI CARMINE, GRAZIANO ; BERNARDI, TATIANA ; BORTOLINI, OLGA ; Giovannini, Pier Paolo ; PANDOLI, OMAR GINOBLE ; ALTOMARE, ALESSANDRA ; Massi, Alessandro . Aerobic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furancarboxylic acid and its derivatives by heterogeneous NHC-catalysis. ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, v. 16, p. 8955-8964, 2018. doi
  122. RODRIGUES, E. J. R. ; ROCHA, C. E. R. ; GHAVAMI, KHOSROW ; PANDOLI, O. . Microfluidic green routes to ultrasmall polysaccharide-capped copper nanoparticles.. In: VIII Workshop in Microfluidics / I Brazil-Argentina Microfluidics Congress, 2018, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Book of Abstract, 2018. p. 117-118.
  123. D.Santos de Sá ; ROCHA, C. E. R. ; DE ANDRADE BUSTAMANTE, RODRIGO ; GHAVAMI, KHOSROW ; Pandoli, Omar . A new biomimetic-lignocellulosic micro-reactor functionalized with copper (BLμR-Cu) for the synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles. In: VIII Workshop in Microfluidics / I Brazil-Argentina Microfluidics Congress, 2018, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Book Of Abstract, 2018.
  124. RODRIGUES, ELTON J. R. ; CUCINELLI NETO, R. P. ; TAVARES, M. I. B. ; DE ANDRADE BUSTAMANTE, RODRIGO ; Khosrow Ghavami ; PANDOLI, O. . Water confinement effects inside bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus) vascular channels as probed via time-domain NMR. In: VIII Workshop in Microfluidics / I Brazil-Argentina Microfluidics Congress, 2018,, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Book of Abstracts, 2018. p. 87-88.
  125. PANDOLI, O.. Projeto Serrapilheira: transformação do bambu em reator químico. 2018.
  126. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA ; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J. ; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F. ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. . Effect of viscosity on liquid curtain stability. AICHE JOURNAL, v. 64, p. 1448-1457, 2018. doi
  128. WU, JYUN-TING ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. ; Kumar, Satish . Transfer of rate-thinning and rate-thickening liquids between separating plates and cavities. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 255, p. 57-69, 2018. doi
  129. MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA ; SUSZYNSKI, WIESLAW J. ; GRIFFITH, WILLIAM B. ; PUJARI, SASWATI ; FRANCIS, LORRAINE F. ; CARVALHO, MARCIO S. . Effect of viscoelasticity on stability of liquid curtain. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 257, p. 83-94, 2018. doi
  130. REBOUÇAS, R.B. ; SIQUEIRA, I.R. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Slot coating flow of particle suspensions: Particle migration in shear sensitive liquids. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS, v. 258, p. 22-31, 2018. doi
  131. DE SIQUEIRA, IVAN ROSA ; DA CARVALHO, MÁRCIO SILVEIRA . Shear-induced particle migration in the flow of particle suspensions through a sudden plane expansion. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING (ONLINE), v. 40, p. 228, 2018. doi
  132. LIMA, N. M. ; Parsa, S. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Foam formation in gas-liquid flow in porous media. In: 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2018, Atlanta. Proceedings of the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society – Division of Fluid Dynamics, 2018.
  133. SIQUEIRA, I.R. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Particle migration in free-surface flows: die-swell and slot coating. In: 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018, Los Angeles. Proceedings of the 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018.
  134. MENDES JUNIOR, P. R. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Free Surface Flows with Complex Interfaces. In: 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018, Los Angeles. Proceedings of the 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018.
  135. BAZZI, M.S. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Breakup of Viscoelastic Liquid Curtain. In: 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018, Los Angeles. Proceedings of the 19th International Coating Science and Technology Symposium, 2018.
  136. LIMA, N. M. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Foam formation during drainage of a surfactant solution by gas injection. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018, Houston. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018.
  137. MICHELON, M. ; LEOPERCIO, B. C. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Flow of biopolymer-based microcapsules through a constriction. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018, Houston. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018.
  138. CRUZ, G. ; Avendano J. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Pore blockage by emulsion injection in a microfluidic porous media. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018, Houston. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018.
  139. BAZZI, M. S. ; MOHAMMAD KARIM, ALIREZA ; SUSZYNSKI, W. J. ; FRANCIS, L. F. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Effect of viscoelasticity on the hole growth dynamics in a liquid curtain. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018, Houston. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018.
  140. BOTTI, T. C. ; MAZA, D. ; LEOPERCIO, B. C. ; SOARES, F. S. M. ; MOURA, MARIA J. B. ; MENDES, P. R. S. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . The Effect of Demulsifiers in Heavy Oil Production. In: 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018, Houston. Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of the Society of Rheology, 2018.
  141. PONCE F., RANENA V. ; LIMA, H. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Capillary driven mobility control by emulsion injection in heterogeneous porous media. In: InterPore 10th Annual Meeting, 2018, New Orleans. Proceedings of InterPore 10th Annual Meeting, 2018.
  142. MICHELON, M. ; LEOPERCIO, B. C. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Designing biopolymer-based microcapsules using microfluidics. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio dde Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.
  143. DO NASCIMENTO, DÉBORA F. ; RIBEIRO, R. C. O. S. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . 3D visualization of oil recovery with microcapsules using confocal microscopy. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio dde Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.
  144. BAZZI, M.S. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Breakup Dynamics of Non-Newtonian Liquid Sheets. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.
  145. REIS, P. K. P. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Snap-Off Phenomenon in a Pore Network Model for Retrograde Gas Flow in Porous Media. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.
  146. CRUZ, G. ; Avendano J. ; CARVALHO, M.S. . Visualization of Oil Displacement by Emulsion Injection. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.
  147. LIMA, N. M. ; CARVALHO, M. S. . Microscopic Analysis of Gas-Liquid Flow in Porous Media. In: VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do VIII Workshop em Microfluidica, 2018.


  1. BRANDÃO, AMANDA L. T.; ALBERTON, ANDRÉ L. ; PINTO, JOSÉ C. ; SOARES, JOÃO B. P. . Copolymerization of Ethylene with 1,9-Decadiene: Part I – Prediction of Average Molecular Weights and Long-Chain Branching Frequencies. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, v. 26, p. 1600059, 2017. doi
  2. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; Alberton, A. L. ; Pinto, José Carlos ; SOARES, JOÃO B. P. . Copolymerization of Ethylene with 1,9-Decadiene: Part II-Prediction of Molecular Weight Distributions. MACROMOLECULAR THEORY AND SIMULATIONS, v. 26, p. 1700040, 2017. doi
  3. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; F. OECHSLER, BRUNO ; GOMES, F. W. ; G. SOUZA, FERNANDO ; PINTO, J. C. . Modeling of Step-Growth Polymerization of Poly(Ethylene-2,5-Furandicarboxylate). In: Fifth International Conference on Natural Polymers and Biomaterials, 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings book of the Fifth International Conference on Natural Polymers, Bio-polymers, Bio-materials, their Composites, Nanocomposites, Blends, IPNs, Polyelectrolytes and Gels: Macro to Nano Scales. Rio de Janeiro: Synergia Editora, 2017.
  4. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; ALBERTON, ANDRÉ L. ; PINTO, J. C. ; SOARES, JOAO B. P. . Copolimerização de Etileno com 1,9-Decadieno – Predição das Distribuições de Massa Molar. In: 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros (14 CBPol 2017), 2017, Aguas de Lindóia. Anais do 14o Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros, 2017. doi
  5. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; F. OECHSLER, BRUNO ; DUTRA, L ; PINTO, J. C . MODELING AND PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF STEP-GROWTH OF POLY(BUTYLENE SUCCINATE) IN SUSPENSION. In: 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros, 2017, Aguas de Lindóia. 14 Congresso Brasileiro de Polímeros, 2017. doi
  6. BRANDÃO, A. L. T.; F. OECHSLER, BRUNO ; GOMES, F. W. ; G. SOUZA, FERNANDO ; PINTO, J. C. . Modeling of Step-Growth Polymerization of Poly(Ethylene-2,5-Furandicarboxylate). 2017.
  7. DINIC, IVANA Z. ; MANCIC, LIDIJA T. ; RABANAL, MARIA EUGENIA ; YAMAMOTO, KAZUHIRO ; OHARA, SATOSHI ; TAMURA, SAYAKA ; KOJI, TOMITA ; COSTA, ANTONIO M.L.M. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. ; MILOSEVIC, OLIVERA B. . Compositional and structural dependence of up-converting rare earth fluorides obtained through EDTA assisted hydro/solvothermal synthesis. Advanced Powder Technology (Print), v. 28, p. 73-82, 2017. doi
  8. PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; PRISCO, LUCIANA P. ; DOSEN, ANJA ; FARO, GABRIELLA S. ; DE ABREU, MARCO A.S. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Co-precipitation synthesis of Y2W3O12 submicronic powder. Ceramics International, v. 43, p. 4222-4228, 2017. doi
  9. DOSEN, ANJA ; PONTÓN, PATRICIA I. ; Marinkovic, Bojan A. . Thermally induced phase transformations of lepidocrocite-like ferrititanate nanosheets synthesized from a low cost precursor by hydrothermal method. MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 197, p. 138-144, 2017. doi
  10. MARINKOVIC, B.A. ou MARINKOVIC, B.; PONTON, P. I. ; PRISCO, L. P. . Negative and Zero Thermal Expansion Ceramics (Thermomiotics). In: Advanced Ceramics and Application VI, 2017, Belgrade. Serbian Ceramic Society Conference – Advanced Ceramics and Application VI. Belgrade: Serbian Ceramic Society, 2017. v. 1. p. 36-36.
  11. MARINKOVIC, B.A. ou MARINKOVIC, B.. Negative and Zero Thermal Expansion Ceramics (Thermomiotics). 2017.
  12. MARINKOVIC, B.A. ou MARINKOVIC, B.; HABRAN, MARGARITA ; MORGADO JR, Edisson . Mesoporous nanohybrids of coupled anatase and lepidocrocite-like ferrtititanate semiconductors with visible light absorption: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic activity. 2017.
  13. MARINKOVIC, B.A. ou MARINKOVIC, B.. Cristalografia e difração de raios-X: Fundamentação teórica e experimental. 2017.
  14. VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; FIDALGO, JULIANA L.G. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; VILANI, CECÍLIA ; MARTINS, ANA ROSA F.A. ; Santos, Brunno F. . Neural network modeling to support an experimental study of the delignification process of sugarcane bagasse after alkaline hydrogen peroxide pre-treatment. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, p. 760-770, 2017. doi
  15. SANTOS, B. F.; PONEZI, A. N. ; FILETI, A. M. F. . Development of Artificial Intelligence Models to Monitor Biosurfactant Concentration in Real-Time using Waste as Substrate in Bioreactor Through Fermentation by Bacillus Subtilis. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 57, p. 1009-1014, 2017. doi
  16. SECATO, JULIANA FERRARI FERREIRA ; DOS SANTOS, BRUNNO FERREIRA ; PONEZI, ALEXANDRE NUNES ; TAMBOURGI, ELIAS BASILE . Optimization Techniques and Development of Neural Models Applied in Biosurfactant Production by Bacillus subtilis Using Alternative Substrates. ADVANCES IN BIOSCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 08, p. 343-360, 2017. doi
  17. VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; FIDALGO, JULIANA L.G. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; Martins, A. R. F. ; Vilani, C. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Prediction of lignin content extracted from sugarcane bagasse via hydrogen peroxide using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). In: XXI SINAFERM/ XII SHEB, 2017, Aracaju. SHEB 1. Pré-tratamento e Fracionamento de Lignocelulósicos, 2017.
  18. FIDALGO, JULIANA L.G. ; VALIM, ISABELLE C. ; REGO, ARTUR S.C. ; KOLLER, S. M. L. ; Martins, A. R. F. ; Vilani, C. ; SANTOS, B. F. . Characterization of lignin obtained from delignification process of sugarcane bagasse via hydrogen peroxide by Raman Spectroscopy. In: XXI SINAFERM/ XII SHEB, 2017, ARACAJU. SHEB 1. Pré-tratamento e Fracionamento de Lignocelulósicos, 2017.
  20. RAMOS, M. I. ; SUGUIHIRO, N. M. ; BROCCHI, E. A. ; NAVARRO, R. ; SOLORZANO, I. G. . Microstructure Investigation of Cu-Ni Base Al2O3 Nanocomposites: From Nanoparticles Synthesis to Consolidation. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 43, p. 1543-1940, 2017. doi
  21. NAVARRO, R.C.S. ; VASCONCELLOS, E.T. ; BROCCHI, E.A. . Study on the thermodynamic viability of NiO and CuO chlorination with C2Cl4 at high temperatures. Thermochimica Acta (Print), v. 647, p. 22-29, 2017. doi
  22. GRILLO, A. ; MOURA, Francisco José ; SOLORZANO, I. G. ; BROCCHI, E. A. ; Mendoza, M. E. . Vapour Phase Synthesis and Characterization of TiN nanoparticles. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, v. 57, p. 1399-1404, 2017. doi
  23. TORRES, D. M. ; NAVARRO, R. C. S. ; DE SOUZA, R. F. M. ; BROCCHI, E. A. . Chromium Extraction via Chemical Processing of Fe-Cr Alloys Fine Powder with High Carbon Content. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS B-PROCESS METALLURGY AND MATERIALS PROCESSING SCIENCE, v. online, p. 1-6, 2017. doi
  24. RAMOS, M.I ; SUGUIHIRO, N.M. ; BROCCHI, E. ; SOLORZANO, I.G . Microstructure of Cu-Ni Matrix Nanocomposites Reinforced with Al2O3 Nanoparticles. Microscopy and Microanalysis, v. 23, p. 1912-1913, 2017. doi
  25. Navarro, R.C.S. ; ZOCATELLI, T. F. ; BROCCHI, E.A. . Thermodynamic Investigation of High Temperature Ta2O5 Chlorination with C2Cl4. In: European Metallurgical Conference, 2017, Leipizig. European Metallurgical Conference – EMC 2017. Clausthal-Zellerfeld: GDMB, 2017. v. 1. p. 345-363.
  26. CACERES, L. M. ; QUEIROZ, C. A. R. ; SUGUIHIRO, N. M. ; SOUZA, R. F. M. ; Navarro, R.C.S. ; SOLORZANO, I. G. ; BROCCHI, E . Chlorination Kinetics of an Ilmenite Concentrate and Sequencial Characterization of Obtained Materials. In: European Metallurgical Conference, 2017, Leipzig. European Metallurgical Conference – EMC 2017. Clausthal-Zellerfeld: GDMB, 2017. v. 3. p. 949-959.
  27. LOYAZA, P. E. V. ; FRANCA, S. C. A. ; BROCCHI, E. A. . Estudo da aplicação de polímeros naturais (ácido húmico e quitosana) na floculação de lama vermelha. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa, 2017, Belém. Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa. Belém: UFPA, 2017. p. 1-8.
  28. Rizzo, Fernando. Facing Global Challenges with Materials Innovation. JOM, v. 69, p. 2032-2037, 2017. doi
  29. CAILLAHUA, MARIELLA CORTEZ ; MOURA, Francisco José . Technical feasibility for use of FGD gypsum as an additive setting time retarder for Portland cement. Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, v. 7, p. 190-197, 2017. doi
  30. DEMONER, R. C. ; A.L. Barros ; Bott, I.S. . Evaluation af a Nano Coated AISI 1020 Steel in a CO2 Environment. In: Rio Pipelines 2017, 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Rio Pipelines 2017. Rio de Janeiro: IBP, 2017. v. 01.
  31. E.J. Kassab ; Olaya -Luengas, L. ; José A. C. Ponciano Gomes ; Bott, I.S. . Resistência à Corrosão da ZTA Obtida por Simulação Física em Aço Lean Duplex UNS S32304. In: 72o Congresso Anual da ABM, 2017, São Pau;o. ANM WeeK 2017. São Paulo: ABM, 2017. v. 1. p. 1-05.
  32. DE SOUZA, L.R. ; MARQUES, A.T. ; D’ALMEIDA, J.R.M. . Effects of aging on water and lubricating oil on the creep behavior of a GFRP matrix composite. Composite Structures, v. 168, p. 285-291, 2017. doi
  33. Becerra, A.F.C. ; d’Almeida, J. R. M. . UV effects on the tensile and creep behaviour of HDPE. Polymers and Polymer Composites, v. 25, p. 315-320, 2017.
  34. HERNÁNDEZ, JOSÉ LEONARDO MONROY ; D’ALMEIDA, JOSÉ ROBERTO MORAES . Aging of polyamide 12 in oil at different temperatures and pressures. POLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES, v. 28, p. 1-6, 2017. doi
  35. PEREIRA, AYRTON A. C. ; D?ALMEIDA, JOSÉ R. M. . Mechanical and physical screw withdrawal properties behavior of agglomerated panels reinforced with coir and pejibaye fibers. Wood Material Science and Engineering, v. 21, p. 1-10, 2017. doi
  36. Pereira, A.A.C. ; d’Almeida, J. R. M. . Comparison of the screw withdrawal strength between coir, peach palm and hybrid coir/peach palm agglomerates. In: 3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers, 2017, Braga, Portugal. Proceedings of the ICNF 2017. Braga: Univerisade do Minho, 2017. v. 1. p. 349-350.
  37. NUNAN, THIAGO OLIVEIRA ; VIANA, ISABELLA LIMA ; PEIXOTO, GUILHERME C. ; ERNESTO, HERBERT ; VERSTER, DANIEL MARTIN ; PEREIRA, JOSE HENRIQUE ; BONFATTI, JOSE M. ; CESAR TEIXEIRA, LUIZ ALBERTO . Improvements in gold ore cyanidation by pre-oxidation with hydrogen peroxide. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 108, p. 67-70, 2017. doi
  38. SANTOS, N. O. ; SPADOTTO, J. C. ; LACOMBE, M. ; SOLÓRZANO, I.G. ; TEIXEIRA, L. A. C. . Oxidation of Iron Catalyst (ZVI) for Removal of Organic Matter Present in Surface Water. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Armação de Búzios. Anais do 26 CBM, 2017.
  39. Garcia-Leiva, B. ; TEIXEIRA, L. A. C. ; TOREM, M. L. . Degradação de Xantato em Efluentes por Oxidação com Peróxido de Hidrogenio. In: XXVII ENTMME, 2017, Belém. Anais do XVII ENTMME. Belem: UFPA, 2017. v. 1. p. 1-13.
  40. TEIXEIRA, L. A. C.; BONFATTI, JOSE M. ; PATRIARCA, P. ; MARQUEZ SARMIENTO, CRISTIAN . A review of oxidative treatments of industrial waters and effluents using hydrogen peroxide. In: Water in Industry 2017, 2017, Santiago. WaterinIndustry 2017. Santiago: GECAMIN, 2017.
  41. PEREIRA, MARCOS V.; DARWISH, F. A. . Fracture Features of Cement Composites Reinforced by Polimeric Fibers. CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, v. 151, p. 137-147, 2017.
  42. SOUZA, C. F. M. ; PEREIRA, MARCOS VENICIUS ; CAMARÃO, Arnaldo Freitas ; BEIM, A. R. . Análise Numérica e Experimental de Tensões Residuais em Juntas Soldadas. In: 14a Conferência sobre Tecnologia de Equipamentos (COTEQ), 2017, Rio de Janeiro. COTEQ 2017. São Paulo: ABENDI, 2017.
  43. SANCHES, S. G. ; HUERTAS FLORES, J. ; DA SILVA, M. I. PAIS . Influence of aging time on the microstructural characteristics of a Cu/ZnO-based catalyst prepared by homogeneous precipitation for use in methanol steam reforming. Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, v. 121, p. 473, 2017. doi
  44. EVERETT, O. ; BRAGANCA, L. F.F.P.G ; SILVA, M.I.P. . Characterization of iron nanoparticles supported on SiO2-Al2O3 and mesoporous silica for the reaction of Fischer-Tropsch. In: EUROPACAT, 2017, Florence. XIII EUROPACAT, 2017.
  45. PEREZ, I. A. ; M. D.T. Casagrande ; SILVA, M.I.P. . Behavior of Zinc Chloride Contaminated Clay Soil using Encapsulation Technique. In: Internacional Conference on Solid Wast Technology and Management, 2017, Filadelfia. 32th ICSW, 2017.
  46. PEREZ, I. A. ; M. D.T. Casagrande ; Silva, M.I.P. . Remediation Study of a Zinc Chloride Contaminated Soil through Encapsulating Technique. In: Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering, 2017, Atenas. 7th Annual International Conference on Civil Engineering, 2017.
  47. MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; HACHA, RONALD ROJAS ; TOREM, Maurício Leonardo . Cellular Adaptation: Culture conditions of R. opacus and bioflotation of apatite and quartz. REM – International Engineering Journal, v. 70, p. 67-76, 2017. doi
  48. OLIVERA, CARLOS A. CASTAÑEDA ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; PUELLES, JHONATAN G. SOTO ; TOREM, Maurício Leonardo . On the fundamentals aspects of hematite bioflotation using a Gram positive strain. MINERALS ENGINEERING, v. 106, p. 55-63, 2017. doi
  49. Rojas H R ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo . ELETROFLOTAÇÃO DE PARTÍCULAS FINAS DE HEMATITA UTILIZANDO R. OPACUS COMO BIORREAGENTE. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017, 2017, Belém. Anais do XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017. Belém: Pauta, 2017. p. 1-6.
  50. OLIVERA, C. A. C. ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo . USO POTENCIAL DA BACTÉRIA RHODOCOCCUS ERYTHROPOLIS NA FLOTAÇÃO DE HEMATITA. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017, 2017, Belém. Anais do XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017. Belém: Pauta, 2017. p. 1-6.
  51. Lopes, E ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo ; Silva F A . CARACTERIZAÇÃO TECNOLÓGICA DO AGREGADO RECICLADO NA FRAÇÃO FINA. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017, 2017, Belém. Anais do XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017. Belém: Pauta, 2017. p. 1-6.
  52. Lopes, E ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo ; Silva F A . UTILIZAÇÃO DE AGREGADO RECICLADO NA FRAÇÃO FINA EM SUBSTITUIÇÃO AO AGREGADO NATURAL FINO PARA PRODUÇÃO DE CONCRETO. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017, 2017, Belém. Anais do XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017. Belém: Pauta, 2017. p. 1-6.
  53. Towesend V. ; GROSSI, C. ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez ; Rojas H R . A Comparative Biosorption Study of Ni (II) and Co(II) Removal Using R. Erythropolis and Banana Peel. In: 5th International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining – 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – ENVIROMINE 2017, 2017, Santiago. Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining – 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – ENVIROMINE 2017. Santiago: GECAMIN, 2017. v. único. p. 1-6.
  54. Ribeiro T ; Torem, Maurício Lenardo ; MERMA, Antonio Gutiérrez . Removal of Boron from Mining Wastewaters by Electrocoagulation Method. In: 5th International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining – 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – ENVIROMINE 2017, 2017, Santiago. Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining – 4th International Conference on Social Responsibility in Mining – ENVIROMINE 2017. Santiago: GECAMIN, 2017. p. 1-6.
  55. GARCÍA – LEIVA, B ; TEIXEIRA, Luiz Alberto César ; Torem, Mauricio Leonardo . DEGRADAÇÃO DE XANTATO EM EFLUENTES POR OXIDAÇÃO COM PERÓXIDO DE HIDROGÊNIO, PROCESSOS FENTON E FOTO-FENTON. In: XXVII Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa – ENTMME 2017, 2017, Belém. Anais do XXV II Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa -ENTMME 2017. Belém: Pauta Eventos, 2017. v. Único. p. 1-14.
  56. CRUZ, LEILA ROSA ; PADILHA, NIKOLAS BRANCO ; MEDEIRO, RODRIGO AMARAL DE ; LOPES, BRENO FELIPE MATOS ; LIMA, RENAN DE MELO CORREIA ; FERREIRA, CARLOS LUIZ ; Avillez, Roberto Ribeiro de . Análise comparativa das propriedades de óxidos transparentes condutores para aplicação em células solares de filmes finos de CdTe. Materia-Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, p. e11793, 2017. doi
  57. SILVA-CALPA, LEYDI DEL R. ; Zonetti, Priscila C. ; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELA C. ; de Avillez, Roberto R. ; APPEL, LUCIA G. . Acetone from ethanol employing Zn x Zr 1−x O 2−y. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 289, p. 264-272, 2017. doi
  58. Pandoli, O ; MARTINS, R. S. ; BARBOSA, B. A. ; DE TONI, K. L. G. ; PACIORNIK, S. ; MAURICIO, M. H. P. ; Lima, R M C ; Padilha, N B ; LETICHEVSKY, S. ; AVILLEZ, R R ; Ghavami, K. . Bionanocomposite Bamboo: A Regioselective Impregnation with Silver Nanofillers for Antifungal Application. In: NonConventional Materials and Technologies, 2018, Mérida. Millersville: Materials Research Forum LLC, 2017. v. 7. p. 415-426. doi
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  60. VIEIRA, ALAN ALVES ; MARTINS, ANTÔNIO AUGUSTO ; BATISTA, RAFAELA PEREIRA ; SILVA, FABIANE ROBERTA FREITAS DA ; Avillez, Roberto Ribeiro de ; SILVA, ANDRÉ LUIZ VASCONCELLOS DA COSTA E . ESTUDO DA DISSOLUÇÃO DE ADIÇÕES CONTENDO MGO EM ESCÓRIAS DE ACIARIA EM SEU IMPACTO NA FORMAÇÃO DE MAGNESIO-WUSTITA. In: 48º Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de NãoFerrosos, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do Seminário de Aciaria, Fundição e Metalurgia de Não-Ferrosos. São Paulo: ABM-Associação Brasileira de Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineração, 2017. v. 48. p. 688-699. doi
  61. MARTINS, A. A. R. ; Batista, R P ; de Avillez, R. R. ; COSTA e SILVA, A. L. V. . Dissolution of MgO containing additions in steelmaking slag and its impact on the formation of magnesiowustite.. In: 3rd Pan American Materials Conference, 2017, San Diego. TMS 2017 Conference Program and Agenda Application. Warrendale: TMS, 2017. p. 1-1.
  62. Vieira, A. A, ; Batista, R. P. ; MARTINS, A. A. R. ; de Avillez, R R ; COSTA e SILVA, A. L. V. . The formation of magnesiowustite in steelmaking slag evaluated experimentally and via computational thermodynamics. In: Calphad XLVI, 2017, St Malo. Calphad XLVI- Program and Abstracts Book, 2017. p. 76-76.
  63. Zonetti, P. C. ; Gonzalez, G. G. ; Monteiro, I. O. ; de Avillez, R R ; APPEL, L. G. . Catalisador de In2O3 e m-ZrO2 na síntese do isobuteno a partir do etanol. 2017.
  64. DA LUZ, FERNANDA SANTOS ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; MONTEIRO, SERGIO NEVES ; DA SILVA, LUIZ CARLOS ; TOMMASINI, FLÁVIO JAMES ; CANDIDO, VERÔNICA SCARPINI . Porosity Assessment for Different Diameters of Coir Lignocellulosic Fibers. JOM, v. 1, p. 1-7, 2017. doi
  65. RUIZ, J.E. ; Paciornik, S. ; PINTO, L.D. ; PTAK, F. ; PIRES, M.P. ; SOUZA, P.L. . Optimization of digital image processing to determine quantum dots? height and density from atomic force microscopy. ULTRAMICROSCOPY, v. 184, p. 2017.09.004-241, 2017. doi
  66. IGLESIAS, JULIO CÉSAR ÁLVAREZ ; AUGUSTO, KAREN SOARES ; GOMES, Otávio da Fonseca Martins ; DOMINGUES, ALEI LEITE ALCÂNTARA ; Vieira, Maria Beatriz ; CASAGRANDE, CATIA ; Paciornik, Sidnei . CARACTERIZAÇÃO AUTOMÁTICA DE MINÉRIO DE FERRO POR MICROSCOPIA DIGITAL E ANÁLISE DE IMAGENS. In: 5º Simpósio Brasileiro de Aglomeração de Minérios, 2017, São Paulo. Anais dos Seminários de Redução, Minério de Ferro e Aglomeração. São Paulo: ABM, 2017. v. 47. p. 275-285. doi
  67. PANDOLI, OMAR ; MARTINS, RAQUEL DOS SANTOS ; Paciornik, S. ; MAURICIO, M. H. P. ; de Toni, K. L. G. ; KOLLER, S. ; BARBOSA, B. ; VALIENTE ROUCO, HIRSCHEL ; LETICHESVKY, S. ; AVILLEZ, R. R. ; GHAVAMI, Khosrow . Nanocompósito de bambu: uma impregnação regiosseletiva com nanoparticulas de prata com propriedades antifúngicas. In: Design & Materials 17, 2017, Joinville. Anais do II Congresso Internacional e VIII Workshop: Design & Materiais 2017. São Paulo: Galoá, 2017. v. 1. p. 1-23.
  68. PEREIRA, ANDERSON DE FARIAS ; Paciornik, Sidnei ; SANTOS, DILSON SILVA DOS ; JARDIM, PAULA MENDES . AVALIAÇÃO DO EFEITO DE NANOPARTÍCULAS DE TiO2 COM MORFOLOGIA 1D NAS CINÉTICAS DE SORÇÃO DE HIDROGÊNIO DO MgH2. In: 72º Congresso Anual da ABM, 2017, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do Congresso Anual da ABM. São Paulo: Editora Blucher, 2017. v. 72. p. 3253-3261. doi
  69. PANDOLI, OMAR ; MARTINS, RAQUEL DOS SANTOS ; Paciornik, S. ; DE PINHO MAURÍCIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE ; BARBOSA, B. A. ; ROUCO, H.V. ; LETICHESVKY, S. ; KOLLER, S. M. L. ; GHAVAMI, Khosrow . 3D X-Ray Microscopy Analysis of Nanocomposite Bamboo with Different Silver Nanofillers. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopía, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopía. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  70. ALFORD, L. H. ; Paciornik, S. ; D?ALMEIDA, J. R. M. ; ALVES, HAIMON DINIZ LOPES ; MAURÍCIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE DE PINHO . Tridimensional Characterization of Epoxy Matrix Glass-Fiber Reinforced Composites. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  71. LORENZONI, R. ; DE PINHO MAURÍCIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE ; Paciornik, S. ; SILVA, F. A. . Characterization by X-ray Computed Tomography of Class G Oil Well Cement Paste Exposed to Elevated Temperature. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  72. GONTIJO, L. O. L. ; DE PINHO MAURÍCIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE ; Paciornik, S. ; D’Almeida, J.R.M. . 3D X-ray microscopy analysis of lignocellulosic fibers used as reinforcement in composite materials of polymer matrix. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  73. PINTO, R. P. ; Paciornik, S. ; AMÂNCIO, S. ; FEISTAUER, E. ; MANENTE, N. ; ZOCOLLER, N. ; DE PINHO MAURÍCIO, MARCOS HENRIQUE . Non-Destructive Evaluation of Metal-Polymer Hybrid Structures. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  74. AUGUSTO, K. S. ; Paciornik, S. . Porosity Characterization of Iron Ore Pellets by X-Ray Microtomography. In: 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia, 2017, Búzios. Anais do 26 Congresso Brasileiro de Microscopia. Rio de Janeiro: Sociedade Brasileira de Microscopia e Microanálise, 2017.
  75. RAMOS, M. I. ; Suguihiro, N. M. ; BROCCHI, E. A. ; NAVARRO, R. ; solorzano, i. g. . Microstructure Investigation of Cu-Ni Base Al2O3 Nanocomposites: From Nanoparticles Synthesis to Consolidation. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 48, p. 2643-2653, 2017. doi
  76. SPADOTTO, J.C. ; SOLORZANO, I.G. . Discontinuous Precipitation in Aged Welded Joints of High Cr-Ni Superalloy. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 23, p. 2240-2241, 2017. doi
  77. LIU, L.Y. ; XING, Y. T. ; FRANCESCHINI, D. F. ; solórzano, i. g. . Microstructure and Superconductivity of Bi/Ni bilayers Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 23, p. 778-779, 2017. doi
  78. SANTOS, L.G. ; SPADOTTO, J.C. ; VALEZI, D.F. ; FONTANA, M. ; GUEDES, C.L.B. ; SOLORZANO, I.G. ; DI MAURO, E. . Morphological and Structural Analysis of Magnetic Support Produced from Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles and Recycled Polyamide. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 23, p. 1920-1921, 2017. doi
  79. VALEZI, D.F. ; SPADOTTO, J.C. ; SANTOS, L.G. ; BAU, J.P.T. ; CARNEIRO, C.E.A. ; ZAIA, D. A. M. ; COSTA, A.C.S. ; SOLORZANO, I.G. ; DI MAURO, E. . Influence of Microstructure on the Magnetic Properties of Goethite (α-FeOOH). MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 23, p. 1922-1923, 2017. doi
  80. LABRE, C. ; PINTO, A.L. ; SOLORZANO, I.G. . Microstructure Evolution of Ni-base Superalloy 625: from Conventional Thermomechanical Processed to Selective Laser Melting Processed. MICROSCOPY AND MICROANALYSIS, v. 23, p. 2250-2251, 2017. doi
  81. CÁRDENAS-TRIVIÑO, GALO ; RUIZ-PARRA, MACARENA ; VERGARA-GONZÁLEZ, LUIS ; OJEDA-OYARZÚN, JAVIER ; solorzano, guillermo . Synthesis and Bactericidal Properties of Hyaluronic Acid Doped with Metal Nanoparticles. Journal of Nanomaterials, v. 2017, p. 1-9, 2017. doi
  82. D’ABREU, J. C.; MARROQUIM, Mery Cecilia G . Study of Gas Reduction of Pure Zinc Ferrite and Zinc Ferrite Contained In Eletric Arc Furnace Dusts. In: 2017 TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, 2017, San Diego. TMS Proceedings / Minerals Extraction and Processing, 2017.
  83. D’ABREU, J. C.; QUINTANILLA, J. E. A. ; OLIVEIRA, L. C. ; falero E E T, . Aglomerado Autorredutor de Residuos de LD e Alto Forno: Metalizaçao e Efeito Refrigerante. In: ABMWeek 2017, 2017, São Paulo. ABMWeek 2017. São Paulo: ABM, 2017.
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